Collaborative Practice Agreement Massachusetts

Collaborative Practice Agreement in Massachusetts: A Comprehensive Guide for Healthcare Providers

In the state of Massachusetts, healthcare providers have the opportunity to enter into a Collaborative Practice Agreement (CPA) with a physician. This agreement enables healthcare providers to diagnose and treat patients independently, under the supervision and guidance of a licensed physician.

The CPA law in Massachusetts was first enacted in 2012, in an effort to increase access to quality healthcare for patients. Since then, the law has expanded to include a wide range of healthcare providers, including nurse practitioners, physician assistants, clinical nurse specialists, and certified nurse midwives.

What is a Collaborative Practice Agreement?

A Collaborative Practice Agreement is a legal document that outlines the roles and responsibilities of both the healthcare provider and the supervising physician. The agreement must be signed by both parties, and it must be kept on file at the healthcare provider`s practice location.

Under the terms of the CPA, the healthcare provider is authorized to diagnose, treat, and prescribe medications to patients within their scope of practice. However, the healthcare provider must maintain regular communication with the supervising physician and must adhere to any guidelines or protocols set forth in the agreement.

Importance of a Collaborative Practice Agreement

A CPA is essential for healthcare providers who wish to work independently and provide a higher level of care to their patients. Patients in Massachusetts often experience long wait times to see a physician, and a CPA can help alleviate the burden on primary care doctors by allowing healthcare providers to diagnose and treat patients independently.

Additionally, a CPA can provide healthcare providers with the legal framework to practice medicine independently, something that is increasingly important as the healthcare landscape continues to evolve.

How to Enter into a Collaborative Practice Agreement

In order to enter into a CPA in Massachusetts, healthcare providers must first identify a supervising physician who is licensed to practice medicine in the state. The physician and healthcare provider must then meet to discuss the parameters of the agreement, including the scope of practice, communication protocols, and any guidelines or protocols that must be followed.

Once the terms of the agreement have been agreed upon, both parties must sign the document and file it with the healthcare provider`s practice location. The agreement is then valid for a period of two years, at which point it must be renewed.


A Collaborative Practice Agreement in Massachusetts is a valuable tool for healthcare providers who wish to provide a higher level of care to their patients. By working independently, healthcare providers can alleviate the burden on primary care doctors and provide patients with faster access to care. If you are a healthcare provider in Massachusetts, consider entering into a CPA with a licensed physician to take your practice to the next level.